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The European Association for Banking and Financial History (eabh) e.V.

EABH books

From the Athenian Tetradrachm to the Euro

Aldershot. 2007

With the introduction of the Euro much attention was focused on the role of currencies and their national and international significance. Whilst much has been made of the Euro’s achievements in harmonizing Europe’s financial dealings, it is often forgotten that it is by no means the first pan-national currency to enter circulation. Indeed, as the various contributions to this volume make plain, the Euro can in many ways be regarded as a step ‘back to the future’, that is, a further international currency in a long historical tradition that includes the Athenian tetradrachm, the Spanish escudo and the French franc. Covering a timespan of some two and a half millennia, this volume provides a unique perspective, not only to the introduction and development of the Euro, and its predecessors, but also on the broader question of the relationship between trade and common currencies.

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