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The European Association for Banking and Financial History (eabh) e.V.



Financial history conference

14 Jun 2024

Budapest, Hungary

eabh in cooperation with the Central Bank of Hungary

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Archival Workshop

AI & Archives

Financial archives workshop

13 Jun 2024

Budapest, Hungary

eabh in cooperation with the Central Bank of Hungary

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eabh Annual Meeting

2024 eabh Annual Meeting

12 Jun 2024

Budapest , Hungary

eabh in cooperation with the Central Bank of Hungary

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Visit to the Hungarian Money Museum and Visitors Center

12 Jun 2024

Budapest, Hungary

eabh in cooperation with the Central Bank of Hungary

Archival Workshop

Banks. Memory

Financial archives workshop

16 Nov 2023

Barcelona , Spain

eabh in cooperation with Banco de España

The role of digital archives for our cultural heritage. Preservation and conservation: Challenges and opportunities for the management and use of digital archives in the financial sector. How to ensure long term access to corporate information and records?

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lunch hour

Financing Reconstruction

Panel Discussion

30 Jun 2023

Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Join us for an eye-opening in-person lunch talk about reconstruction of countries and economies after war and disaster.

History is full of examples of reconstruction efforts and initiatives. Some succeeded (rebuilding of Europe after WW2), some were talked about but never took off (Syria), others started well, but failed (Afghanistan).

This panel is about the preconditions required for a reconstruction program to succeed. Which are the right questions to ask?

Join us to discuss with financial history and practice experts!

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Financing Reconstruction

Can historical insight help?

30 Jun 2023

Frankfurt am Main, Germany

A financial history conference organised by eabh

sponsored by Deutsche Bank AG

This meeting will look at historical precedents of financing reconstruction after war and catastrophe. Can historical insight help?

Which are the right questions to ask to successfully reconstruct the infrastructure and economy of a country or region? Should there be a Marshall Plan for Ukraine? Are grants or loans the more effective way to rebuild? Who should pay how much and how? Which is the most effective way to use any given aid to achieve productive development? How much should be organised by the state or international organisations?

In history, how were financial sectors revived? How did banks rebuild their operations once they were bombed out? Where did they find qualified staff? Who created the initial equity? Which was the role of multi-lateral institutions (International Monetary Fund, World Bank, …) Which was the role of the state?

The past offers many examples of cases: Europe after 1945, Afghanistan and Irak in the 1990s, Haiti after the Earthquakes, Syria, the Middle East after the Arab Spring, to name just a few. We aim to bring together as many examples as possible in order to look at financing reconstruction comparatively.

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eabh Annual Meeting

2023 eabh Annual Meeting

29 Jun 2023

Frankfurt am Main, Germany

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Archival Workshop

Banks build

A close look at financial institutions’ ‘building’ roles

29 Jun 2023

Frankfurt am Main, Germany

A financial archives workshop organised by eabh

sponsored by Deutsche Bank AG

In this workshop, we are looking for collections, databases and archival projects that shed light on the link of financial institutions as builders.

In history, financial institutions have always played major, often pioneering roles when new countries were built, independence was established, or peacetime re-building started. They initiated state and infrastructure building by helping other companies (re-)start their businesses in new legislations or after disruptive periods.

In the framework of this meeting, we would like to look at archival evidence in and about financial institutions’ ‘building’ roles. The connections between banking and building, finance, cities, and countries may be wide range – and unexpected. The examples of historical experiences are global and manifold: the building of US infrastructure after independence (railways), specialising US financial infrastructure in the process, re-building Europe after WWI, after WWII and during the Eastern extension of the EU, nation building in Central and South America, African independence, …, to name just a few…

The evolution of a country or economy is always reflected in the records banks, exchanges and insurers hold: if you look at what’s traded and insured and how successfully, you can see the state an economy is in. More and beyond, finance plays a major role in building cities and infrastructure during ‘normal’ times; the sector’s importance for architecture, urban planning and building of all kinds is undenied.

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lunch hour

A global unwinding?

eabh lunch hour

10 May 2023

Frankfurt am Main, Germany

eabh  in cooperation with Allianz Global Investors

The event is in person and will be followed by a networking lunch.


Inflation is here.  Asset prices have dropped. The financial system is under stress. 

What is going on?  Can financial history insight give advice?


Otmar Issing (Honorary President, Center for Financial Studies,  Frankfurt)

in conversation with

Moritz Schularick (President,  Institute for the World Economy, Kiel*)

moderated by

Carmen Hofmann (Secretary General, eabh)

& Stefan Hofrichter (Head of Research, AllianzGI)


Talking about the world economy today means talking about imbalances and inflation. Price levels as much as debt levels are on the rise. Central Banks from Atlanta to Zürich raise interest rates, though will they control inflation anytime soon? Will higher rates trigger yet another financial crisis?

Are there any lessons to be drawn from the past? How to re-balance the world economy and financial markets? Which are the implications of steadily growing imbalances for growth, asset markets, monetary policy and society?

Is there advice for investors?

Join this eabh lunch for a unique opportunity to discuss inflation amongst financial history experts!


*starting June 2023