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The European Association for Banking and Financial History (eabh) e.V.

Archival Workshop

GDPR & Historical Archives

A financial archives workshop

4 Nov 2022

Frankfurt am Main, Germany

eabh in cooperation with the European Central Bank (ECB)

What is new for historical archives under the GDPR regime?  In particular in a Post-Covid environment?

This workshop aims to look at the impact of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on historical archives, in particular, but not exclusively, in the financial sector.

Since May 2018, the GDPR has set common standards of data protection within the European Union and, to a certain extent, beyond. This regulation received critical acclaim by the public and scholars alike, however not without facing wide criticism for the severity of the changes it requires to implement.


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lunch hour

Inflation & Interest Rates

eabh lunch hour web

6 Jul 2022

Frankfurt am Main, Germany

eabh in cooperation with Allianz Global Investors

Where is inflation headed? Can we tell by looking at precedents from the past?

Gunther Schnabl (Leipzig) and Paul Schmelzing (Harvard) will discuss structural changes of the world economy and their effect on inflation and interest rates. Together, we will take a long view back in the history of both phenomena in order to set a historical context for the inflationary environment that has been created in Europe and the world right now.

What’s the role of monetary and fiscal measures? Do we live through another ‘Volcker moment’ in monetary policy?

Are interest rates historically declining? Is there a bottom line? Or should we expect an unprecedented rise in interest rates within the next years?

Join in the discussion with the experts!

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Monetary unions in history

1 Jul 2022

1504 Sofia, Bulgaria

eabh in cooperation with the Bulgarian National Bank (BNB)

This conference will discuss the phenomenon of currency unions in a global historical context with a special focus on the challenges brought about by trends of isolationism and confrontation.

Motivation, design and factors explaining the resilience (or the lack thereof) of currency unions will be among the themes to discuss; – against a backdrop of captivating historical, geographic and institutional experiences.

As history continues into modern-day initiatives like the Economic and Monetary Union in the EU, a glimpse into the future of currency unions may also engage the conference agenda.

A platform to distil academic and policy insights, the event should attract scholars as well as central bankers interested in both the theory and historical experience of currency unions.

Registration is open!

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Archival Workshop

Digital rebirth of historical datasets

30 Jun 2022

1504 Sofia, Bulgaria

eabh in cooperation with the Bulgarian National Bank (BNB)

Central banks and other financial institutions have longstanding histories and rich archives. These contain extensive sets of historical information and hence are an extremely valuable source of knowledge about the evolution of financial institutions’ functions and mandates; as much as the trajectory of financial systems and the economic development of countries and regions.

In this workshop we will check up key quantitative historical financial data, historical dataset accessibility and IT tools and innovation.

Registration is open!


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eabh Annual Meeting

2022 eabh Annual Meeting

30 Jun 2022

Sofia, Bulgaria

eabh in cooperation with the Bulgarian National Bank (BNB)

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Finance & Migration


11 Jun 2022

Athens, Greece

eabh in cooperation with National Bank of Greece

This conference will look at the relationship between the financial sector and migration – taking a comparative historical view.


International Macro History Online Seminar Series

9 Feb 2022

Geneva, Switzerland

The International Macroeconomic History Online Seminar Series, supported by eabh and a consortium of numerous other universities and institutions from around the world aims to keep the flow of intellectual debate active and to bring macroeconomic history topics to an interested public on a weekly basis.

lunch hour

Easy Monetary Policy

Cure or Curse?

22 Jun 2021

Frankfurt am Main, Germany

eabh in cooperation with Allianz Global Investors

Harold James (Princeton University) and Eric Barthalon (Head of Research Allianz SE) will take a long-term perspective on easy monetary policies and their implications.

Post Great Financial Crisis, major central banks have cut rates to, or below zero and have provided unprecedented amounts of liquidity to the system ever since. After first steps to normalise monetary policy, we have seen a renewed round of monetary easing in 2019.  Further, Covid restrictions and lockdowns in 2020 and 2021 brought back discussions about helicopter money and direct credit to the banking sector. Can looking back at historical precedents help to better understand where we are headed?


Images of Finance

How to unlock the potential of your photography collection?

11 Jun 2021

Zoom Webinar, Germany

Reinhard Frost (Deutsche Bank) will showcase one of his organisation’s most valuable photography collections and give insights on how these images are valuable for the brand and history communication.

Together with the audience, we will discuss how to unlock the full potential of photography collections and how to engage audiences using different channels.


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2021 eabh annual meeting

11 Jun 2021

Frankfurt am Main, Germany

This year’s annual meetings will take place via zoom.

10.00 – 11.30 CET: Academic Council Meeting (for members of the AC only)

12.00 – 13.00 CET: General Members’ Meeting

14.00  – 15.00  CET: Board of Management Meeting (for members of the BoM only)