Images of Finance
Reinhard Frost
How to unlock the potential of your photography collection?
The European Association for Banking and Financial History (eabh) e.V.
Presentations, conversations and talks from the exciting world of financial history
How to unlock the potential of your photography collection?
How well do states’ banks do?
A comparative look on how state owned banks addressed distinct market failures.
200 years of international official lending: characteristics, occurrence and determinants.
Long run returns on real estate compared to other asset classes (1870-2015).
Professional fund management companies are the most powerful players on global financial markets today: when, how and why this massive structural shift happened.
The company’s archivist presents the historical trajectory of a unique investment management firm.
eabh experts talk about financial crises in the past and how to avoid them in the future.
How can organisations unlock the full potential of their photography collections?
This talk looks at the case studies of Europeana and the Bank of Spain.
The experts from National Bank of Poland Education and Publishing Department reveal the ingredients for successful in-house publishing.
Open conversations about money and history
Finance, strategy and power
History of an industry
Political instability and banking
What does war cost? Who pays?
The end of the Great Moderation.
Financing mining at the JSE
Why do banks fail?
Sterling after 1945
How to regulate banks effectively?
The Marshall Plan of 1945 and its relevance today.
A practitioner’s view on the history of economic thought.
The first global credit crisis! How did policy makers respond?
Listen to learn why money always circulates.
Why is money not working for Haiti?
Archives & adverse publicity
Is China coming full circle?
Are real sector bailouts good public policy in crisis?
An open account of a family banks’ history.
How to successfully manoeuvre a bank through difficult economic waters?
Was there a world before inflation targeting?
New economics of debt & fragility?
How to build an economy?
How do the Swedes do it?
Is it advisable to combine colonial warfare with trade?
Hyperinflation as a catalyst for transformation?
Are all wars fought for money?
A story of empires & war and risk & reward in uncertain times.
Is there good beyond profit?
What do their private relationships tell us about the business influence of the Morgans?
A conversation about inflation in historical perspective, and a revolutionary idea.
An honest conversation about conflicts of interest, liability and risk in the financial world.
An introduction to the Bank of Portugal, its archive and modern Portuguese history.
A long view on monetary unions from the Latin Currency Union to the European Monetary Union of today.
A conversation that gives insight into the workings of the World Bank Group and its archive material from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe.
Is there such thing as ‘debt without drama’ or is the worst yet to come? A conversation about sovereign debt in the 21st century.
Can we find a historical precedent for unprecedented monetary policies in 1630 Venice?
700 years of interest rates. Let’s take a close look at their continuous decline!
An expert look to the past and the future of the international monetary system.
Get to know Her Majesty’s Treasury: Its 1000 years history; its relationship with the Bank of England and the important role it plays in a world after the Great Financial Crisis of 2008.
Discover the apparent and the hidden treasures of one of Europe’s most significant financial archives.
A real long view on the field of financial history. Can we see an anticipation of what is happening now by looking much further to the past?
In this episode of the eabh podcast we talk about the Great Fire of London, the rebuilding of the City afterwards, the role of the Corporation of London and in more general terms financial innovations, revolutions and development.
In episode 3 of Finance & History the eabh podcast we talk about the slave business, its connection with the financial industry and the case of Brazil.
Our experts talk about the development of financial risk management since Bretton Woods, its failures during the Great Financial Crises, how the industry has taken on the complexities of risk since 2008; and what finance could learn from the Apollo Space Mission to the moon…
In the first episode of Finance & History, we talk about financial crises, sovereign debt, the complexity of international frameworks and the rise of Hitler.