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The European Association for Banking and Financial History (eabh) e.V.



The Initial Period of Europe’s Monetary Union

29 Jan 2016

Florence, Italy

eabh Conversation on the record


The European Monetary Union and the introduction of the Euro in 1999 were unexpected achievements without precedent. At the initial period of the European Monetary Union the Community had high hopes and expectations. What happened to the hopes and objectives of the Treaty of Maastricht? Have some of them come true?  Which crucial turning points or decisions in the history of the Union should and could be revised in order to avoid the mistakes of the past?

Let’s talk about it!

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Financial History of Europe

eabh oral history project

28 Jan 2016

Florence, Italy

Leading European experts  (British Library, Historical Archives of the European Union, Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l´Europe) will share their knowledge about oral history projects.

Oral History  offers us the unique opportunity to collect and preserve the memories, views and attitudes from a variety of people working in different positions in financial sector. Oral history recordings bring an additional dimension to modern financial archives.

The workshop will focus on the methodology of oral history:


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Consumer Credit

18 Jun 2015

Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Consumer credit is ubiquitous today. Modern forms like credit cards and buy now, pay later arrangements predominate, but ancient forms such as pawnshops and payday loans continue to thrive as well. We suggest that the penetration and pattern of modern forms of consumer credit differ from country to country; determined on the one hand by concerns about consumer protection, credit rationing, and legal objections, on the other by cultural attitudes towards debt and about the desirability of saving over spending.

eabh in cooperation with Santander &  GUG

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History of Inflation

Inflation in History

15 May 2015

Prague, Czech Republic

Inflation: An Age old Topic. 

The purpose of this meeting was to look at what is new about inflation. Can historical instances of inflation provide tools for understanding modern developments? Should present day monetary authorities and decision takers be aware of these lessons as they cope with the challenges of the global economy? 

eabh in cooperation with the Czech National Bank and the  Czech Banking Association.

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Archival Workshop

Inflation, Money, Output

Economic and Financial Data underpinning Analysis and Policy Making

14 May 2015

Prague, Czech Republic

Today, financial statistics are of paramount importance. They inform and determine business and investment decisions, policy–making, and shape our expectations for the future.

The purpose of this workshop was to determine which statistics and data are available in the archives of financial institutions, and to identify promising areas for future research.

eabh in cooperation with  the Czech National Bank and the Czech Banking Association.

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